
At Horizon Radiology, Auckland, all x-rays are taken using digital technology. This allows your doctor to have direct access to your images on their computer.

Conventional radiography remains the cornerstone of modern radiology. Using digital technology allows images to be viewed instantly and then stored on our computer (PACS) system.

All images are reported promptly and abnormal results are discussed with the referring clinician and the patient is advised when appropriate.

If you have previous x-rays which are relevant, try to remember where and when they were performed so we can retrieve them.This may reduce the number of x-rays you need and improve the accuracy of the report.

  • What are x-rays?

    X-rays use invisible beams of electromagnetic energy to produce images of internal tissues and bones. X-rays pass through your body but they are absorbed in different amounts depending on the density of the material they pass through. Dense materials, such as bone and metal, show up as white on x-rays. The air in your lungs shows up as black. Fat and muscle appear as varying shades of gray. The most frequently performed studies include skeletal x-rays to assess bones and joints, and chest radiographs to image the heart, major blood vessels, lungs and rib cage.

    X-ray technology is used in other types of diagnostic procedures, such as computed tomography (CT) scans, and fluoroscopy (like an x-ray ‘movie’).

  • Radiation exposure

    As with any kind of medical procedure, x-rays are safe when they are used properly. Professionals who use x-rays, radiographers and radiologists, have specialised training in using the smallest quantity of radiation needed to get the required results.

    When clinically indicated, properly conducted imaging with the smallest risk should be performed. The tiny amount of radiation exposure should always be considerably outweighed by the benefits for the patient.

    A fetus/embryo is more vulnerable to x-rays than a baby, child or adult. Women who are or think might be pregnant should make sure they tell their doctor or radiographer beforehand.

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